Understanding customer loyalty in sports facilities: Insights into service quality, perceived value, satisfaction and facility image

Understanding customer loyalty in sports facilities: Insights into service quality, perceived value, satisfaction and facility image

Journal:Journal of Physical Education and Sport, Q3
Author: Ngô Thị Sa Ly, Khoa Quản trị kinh doanh - Trường Đại học Đông Á


This study explores the factors influencing customer loyalty (CL) in sports facilities, emphasizing the roles of service quality (SQ), customer satisfaction (CS), facility image (FI), and perceived value (PV). The analysis is based on data collected from 510 customers at various sports facilities, using a structural equation modeling approach to evaluate the relationships among these constructs. The findings reveal that SQ and CS are the primary drivers of CL, with both exhibiting strong and direct effects on loyalty outcomes. High service quality directly impacts customer satisfaction and facility image, which, in turn, influence loyalty. This underscores the importance of consistent service delivery in fostering loyalty among customers. While perceived value does not exhibit a direct effect on customer loyalty, it significantly enhances customer satisfaction and facility image. These indirect pathways suggest that customers who perceive greater value from their experience are more likely to feel satisfied and develop a positive perception of the facility, ultimately contributing to their loyalty. Similarly, facility image has a moderate influence on loyalty, primarily through its impact on customer satisfaction. A positive image enhances customers’ overall experience, reinforcing their likelihood of revisiting and recommending the facility. These findings have practical implications for managers and stakeholders in sports facilities. To improve customer loyalty, managers should focus on strategies that prioritize high-quality service delivery and customer satisfaction. Enhancing perceived value through competitive pricing, flexible membership options, and value-added services can further strengthen customer perceptions and foster long-term loyalty. Efforts to improve facility image, such as maintaining a well-regarded reputation, providing excellent infrastructure, and hosting events, also contribute to loyalty outcomes. By focusing on these key factors, sports facilities can cultivate a loyal customer base, ensuring sustained growth and competitiveness in an increasingly dynamic and demanding market.

Key words: Loyalty, Customer Satisfaction, Facility Image, Service Quality, Perceived Value

DOI: https://efsupit.ro/images/stories/january2025/Art%209.pdf